Friday, February 9, 2018

Right and Privilege prompt is privilege
It is a privilege to write my thoughts with other Christians.

I am privileged to be a member of a few closed groups on social media. Not personal,  but by public invitation,  I responded,  answered a few questions,  and was in,  just like that. Once there,  I obtained all the benefits of being a participant,  albeit there were rules to abide by.
If I were to see myself there by right,  and I was smart enough,  I could possibly,  with subtlety,  manipulate the dynamics and cause a paradigm shift to the entire purpose. Not to worry,  I have no intention of such a thing. We see that these terms get intertwined and entangled in our understanding.

I would perhaps say it this way….By privilege I submit, knowing I am favored; by right,  I take ownership,  believing I have authority. How does that sound?

God the Father sent Christ the Son to give to every man the right to be called the Children of God,  Jn 1:12. That right there is my human right. It was God's favor,  his privilege to bathe us in His mercy and adopt us into His family giving us all the blessings. Within that family,  yes there are rules,  but unlike earthly groups, if we are truly a part,  we cannot be dismembered. We can be disciplined and corrected. Just like our own children will always be our children,  no matter how estranged or distanced they may become.

So my first question is,  first to myself,  “In what space am I recognizing my rights or liberties,  and in the confines of that descriptive do I recognize my privileges”? My next one is “How tragic is it when I don't exercise the one right that God gives me that secures my eternal destiny?” It is one thing to decline a privilege,  but a right forbidden are what people overtly protest. God has provided an opportunity for every person. He is without blame if it goes ignored.


  1. We always live way below our privileges. Nice to meet you.

  2. The best and all encompassing privilege is the opportunity we have to be a child of God. Good question: "do I recognize my privileges?" Glad to meet you. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. I too wrote on being a child of God. It is a privilege to be privileged through Christ. It would be a crying shame not to take full advantage of that.
