Kate Motaung’s Five Minute Friday
The word is “embrace”
At first glance I thought,
“No, not this week, can’t relate”.
And then it all happened. So many facets in one word. Like a diamond, every time I turned it, it
shone differently.
//He’s Holding Me
We drove around the Bible School campus, my alma mater. Due
to circumstances relocation took place 30 years ago. The property is now used
for other purposes, but most of the buildings standing are in dyer need of
repair. The deterioration speaks loudly of the lack of purpose and motivation
of those who occupy it now. Like flash floods, memories surfaced and overflowed
from me and swept me into a time warp when and where my life in Christ was just
beginning to embrace every part of me.
As I think of those buildings, what they were then and what
they are now, I see what I have also let go of and what I have embraced.
These things I consider:
What are the neglected places I have let go of, and what
have I held on to too long? Either one can have negative outcomes. What have I
avoided to care for that is now in plain sight? What have I held to that has
been retarding my growth?
“There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time
for every event under heaven ... A time
to embrace and a time to shun embracing”. Eccl 3:1, 5b.//
I think hindsight sometimes gives us the greatest insight into
our hearts condition. What is dead and unproductive? Perhaps a belief, a
concept, a tradition, a habit, or even a relationship needs to be
evaluated. Where has apathy crept in and
left its mark? I may think I can hide it, but usually the one who chooses not
to see it is me.
Psalm 139 tells of God’s thoughts of His people. Having all
knowledge of every part of me, He purposes to embrace me. “You have enclosed me
behind and before, and laid your hand upon me”. Ps 139:5.
In His embrace He wishes to share His breath with me, but
will not suffocate me. He allows me to breathe freely.
His embrace is protection from the elements, a shelter from
the storm in the midst of the storm.
His embrace stabilizes me so I don’t have to be tossed to
and fro.
His embrace is where I am close enough to hear Him whisper
even in chaos and calamity.
It is because of His embrace that I know I have roots that
are deep and whatever befalls me I will never be outside of His hold.
Maybe broken structures and crumbling foundations are what
we need to look upon once in a while so we can wake up and remember.
Mary, this essay is golden. The use of Ps.139 is perfect, and the thought that God will hold but not suffocate - brilliant!