No Other Sound
"If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.” Mk 4:23
Hot capaccinos and croissants filled our senses as I sat with a client in the pastry shop. Looking around and becoming aware of my surroundings, I suddenly felt a shift in my attention. The television was on in the upper corner. The sound was muted out with words streaming across the screen. Their radio station was playing music just loud enough to be distracting. Pictures on a board behind the counter were flashing different menu items. People were walking in and out conversing. Just watching it all happen was causing me mental confusion and it took determination to focus on my own company. I was happy when we left.
A constant change of activity and scenery can sabotage hope.
I went from living in an ocean town in the eastern part of Massachusetts to the hilly western terrain of the Berkshires. Both are fairly quiet, the east being more suburban than its rural counterpart. For 5 years in between I lived right outside the city of Boston. Airplanes from Logan Airport muted out every other noise around me for the first couple of weeks. It was constant.
"Oh, pretty soon you won't even notice", I was told.
They were right. Life filled up with so many things that the insignificant roar of jet engines could not be heard unless there was a given purpose to hear it.
I became a mother and a baby's needs and affections far exceeded anything else. Every sound I heard was immediately put in a perspective of protecting my child.
I quieted myself to every menial sound so I could hear what mattered most.
With every picture, every scene, every sound, our minds are programed to form some kind of response. And my mouth is loud and sometimes I think my voice should be heard. How exhausting and oh, how much trouble I have caused to my own hurt!
Hope resulting in rest and producing a quietness are needed to be woven together to develop a strong core in this ever changing culture we live in. It is not in slogans and catch phrases, although they are a means to remember, but it is in the daily, moment by moment inner relationship with Christ. Words will never change me inside. Christ in me and my heart's desire to hear and act on the most important issues of my heart will.
Jesus says to Martha in Luke 10:42 "...Only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her".
Mary quieted herself to listen. Without learning to be quiet I will hear every sound and will not discern what is important. Between intention and invention, desire and inspire, we need to hear the
sound of hope.
Thank you for this lovely post! :) I enjoyed reading it! blessings!
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading it. I'm glad it blessed you.