A Perfect Answer, A Perfect Way, A Perfect Peace
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God,which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus". Phil 4:6,7
I am tired almost all of the time. I go to the doctor. I have tests. I am perfectly normal for my age in the results. It is frustrating. I have many episodes of mental confusion. My eyes blink nonstop during those times. Most of the outside world does not even recognize it. I am the most abnormal normal person I know. I think I am a perfectionist. Ha! I know, NO WAY!
Perfectionism has two extremes:
OCD is one extreme; the compulsion to decrease or avoid anxiety created by an obsession.
The opposite extreme is the mindset of incapability in an area which causes a paralysis of effort; the one who says 'I can't do it right so I won't even try'.
The first perpetuates the anxiety, because even the most perfect looking project is never finished. The second perpetuates fatigue because even the most imperfect looking project is never begun, which means it will never be finished.
Both result in hopelessness. The answer, according to scripture is prayer and thanksgiving in every situation which will result in supernatural peace and a guarded heart and mind through Christ Jesus.
Jesus said "Be ye therefore perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect" Mt 5:48.
I notice that He didn't even call himself perfect just as He didn't call himself good in Lk 18:19 "Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good except God alone". He prayed to the Father in every situation and did His will.
Hmm, maybe pharmaceuticals are not always the answer.
Lord, today I bring my requests to you and you alone. Bring hope in the hopeless areas of my life.
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